All physicians and dentists who wish to access the resources of Nova Scotia Health (including laboratory and diagnostic imaging) must be privileged. Privileging allows the Health Authority to fulfill its mandate of ensuring the quality and control of the services provided.
Physicians and dentists are granted privileges appropriate to their role and practice, as determined by the processes established under Nova Scotia Health’s Medical Staff Bylaws. Privileges are granted under these by-laws specify the extent of the privileges, including the departments, zones, and facilities.
Temporary privileges can be granted to allow the physician to work prior to the completion of the formal new application process, or temporary privileges can be granted for a short-term locum.
Applications for new appointments
New applications are granted under a probationary (new permanent appointment) or locum (temporary appointment) status.
Physicians and dentists seeking new privileges must fill out a new appointment application. During licensing with the Nova Scotia College of Physicians and Surgeons Physicians can request that their file is shared with Nova Scotia Health. This streamlines the process of collecting the needed documentation.
New appointment applications are reviewed by the relevant department head, and zone medical director prior to going to the Zone Credentialing Committee for review.
The application will be reviewed by the Zone Credentials Committee who submit their recommendation to the Health Authority Medical Advisory Committee (HA-MAC).
HA-MAC will inform the appropriate Zone Medical Executive Director and applicant of its decision to grant privileges or not. HA-MAC recommendations go to the Board Administrator for final approval.
Applications for reappointment
An application form for reappointment will be sent to the physician or dentist. The completed application will be forwarded to the Zone Department head and Zone Medical Executive Director for review and signature.
The application will be reviewed by the Zone Credentials Committee who submit their recommendation to the Health Authority Medical Advisory Committee (HA-MAC).
HA-MAC will inform the appropriate Zone Medical Executive Director and applicant of its decision to grant privileges or not. HA-MAC recommendations go to the Board Administrator for final approval.
For complete descriptions of the appointment and reappointment process, please review the Nova Scotia Health’s Medical Staff Bylaws.
Change of Status
To modify current privileges a change of status form can be filled out. Change of status forms can be used to:
- Go from a probationary to active appointment
- Go from a locum to probationary appointment
- Change privileges from with/out admitting to with/out admitting
- Change privileging category
- Add zones
- Add departments